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注:不含主观题 第1题 多选题 (2分) Read the following items about academic English literacies, and choose the ones you think INCORRECT. A Native speakers of English can naturally acquire academic English literacies. B Developing academic English literacies just means you acquire some English skills. C Developing academic English literacies helps you to develop from a student to a professional in your area. D Different from English learning during your undergraduate study, you need to learn English for doing researches. 第1题 单选题 (1分) What is the aim of EAP? A Learning English for passing exams. B Learning English to put it use in communication needed in research work. C Learning English for fun. D Learning English for no obvious purposes. 第2题 多选题 (2分) Academic literacies are composed of in using English in academic work. A Cognitive capacities B Linguistic capacities C Social psychological capacities D Physical capacities 第3题 多选题 (2分) Read the followign items. Mark the one/ones you think CORRECT. A EAP learning does not need basic English skills we develped previously. B If my basic English skills are not good enough, I can not learn EAP. C EAP learning is not separate from mu research. D EAP learning can help me to become a professional. 第1题 单选题 (1分) What is the role of this course? A The course serves as a transition from our previous English learning to use English in doing researches. B The course can help me to successfully write and publish academic paper in English. C The course will train some basic language skills. D The course will remove all the English obstacles while I am delivering academic presentation. 第2题 单选题 (1分) What will NOT be addressed in this online course? A Academic reading in English. B Attending academic conference. C Using some language tools to make my English correct and better. D Writing E-mail for acadeimc communication. Tasks 第1题 多选题 (2分) What are the two approaches towards effective reading strategies? A Top-down approach. B Bottom-up approach C Skimming D Scanning 第2题 多选题 (2分) In terms of essay types, a research paper is usually composed of A Exposition B Narration C Description Tasks 第1题 单选题 (1分) 1. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A Academic lectures tend to have an educative purpose. B A. In order to convey knowledge in as much detail as possible, lecturers will present with scripts rather than slides. C Academic lectures will often be part of a university module, or a conference. D At the end of an academic lecture, the audience may appreciate the new insights in understanding a particular issue, concept or problem. 第2题 单选题 (1分) The following are academic listening contexts graduate students usually experience EXCEPT_____. A Seminar B Panel presentation C Poster presentation D Ceremonial speech Tasks 第1题 单选题 (1分) Which of the following statements is TRUE about the difference between taking English listening tests and attending academic lectures? A Unlike taking English listening tests, students do not need to choose the best answer to the questions in academic lectures. Instead, we have to listen with a purpose, and learn something in the end. B English listening tests tend to have an educative purpose, whereas the main purpose of an academic lecture is to express a gratitude for or pay a tribute to a person, an institution, an event or an idea. C Academic lectures are heavily structured, referenced and researched. However, English listening tests are usually disorganized. D The impact of academic lectures lies in the sharing of identities, attitudes, beliefs and values that unite people into communities. 第2题 单选题 (1分) Which of the following statements is CORRECT? A Listening for gist is to understand every single phrase or sentence of the lecture. B Listening for gist is focusing on word level in order to understand specific information of the lecture. C Listening for gist means listening for the “whole picture” rather than the details. D Listening for gist means that we only need to pay attention to the Introduction section because it is quite helpful to contextualize our understanding of the lecture. Tasks 第1题 单选题 (1分) The following are reasons why we take notes EXCEPT_____. A Taking notes is useful to help listeners to use the information they have learned. B Taking notes is useful to help listeners to follow the logic flow of the lecture. C Taking notes is useful to help listeners to capture the most important ideas and thoughts. D Taking notes is useful to help listeners to identify which information is important. 第2题 单选题 (1分) The use of Cornell Notes may come with many benefits because the notes are neatly organized, summarized, and easy to review. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? A We will start by writing into the cue column. B We put important concepts, evidence, statistics and repeated information in the note-taking column. C We formulate new questions in the cue column after the lecture in order to reflect on the notes. D In the summary area, we need to use the exact words from the lecture. Tasks 第1题 单选题 (1分) Whcih of the following statements is INCORRECT? A 5-min academic presentation in China originates from the three-minute thesis competition in foreign countries. B The 3-min academic presentation was devlivered by University of Queensland during a severe drought in 2008. C In the year 2020, China first develped 5-min research prentation contest. D One of the graduate students in NUAA won the GRAND PRIZE in the first 5-min research presentation contest. 第2题 多选题 (2分) Effectively delivering your work within very short period of time is an important skill during and even after your graduate years, because . A it can promote your ability to get to the key points for concise presentation. B it can cultivate your audience sensibility. C it can help me to build up common ground between my work and my audience interest and effectively address it. D it is helpful in my future career when I need to develop cooperation, gain support, and influence clients. Tasks 第1题 多选题 (2分) While delivering your academic presentation, the presenters play the roles of . A researchers B story-tellers C peers D technicians 第2题 多选题 (2分) If we view an academic presentation as a piece of story, the structure is composed of

A struggle of the story B development C climax D method 多选题 第1题 多选题 (2分) To improve one’s writing or translation, we should try to improve our A sentence length B collocation C lexical variety D handwriting 第2题 多选题 (2分) The common problems concerning correctness in writing and translation for Chinese learners of English may include: A grammatical mistakes B punctuation problems C spelling errors D word length 选择与判断 第1题 多选题 (2分) Which online tools have been introduced in this section? A Ginger B Grammarly C WPS D Sougou 第2题 判断题 (1分) To check spelling and grammatical mistakes in our writing, we can only resort to word processors. 选择与判断 第1题 多选题 (2分) What are the common ways to achieve natural collocation? A word processors B corpuses C thesauruses D portal websites 第2题 判断题 (1分) A thesaurus is a reference book in which words with similar meanings are grouped together.

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